Whirl of Fun

The fourth grade students at Harrison Park Elementary School enjoyed learning about tornadoes and how waterspout twisters are formed. 

Mrs. Jasiewicz, a student learning assistant, read the historical fiction book I Survived the Joplin Tornado, 2011 to the students during their lunch periods.  Then, during an after-school science club, the students had an opportunity to create their own tornadoes in a bottle.  Students found a variety of ways to reenact a tornado that replicated the debris flying around the city of Joplin over a decade ago.

“I loved watching their excitement mixed with determination as they found just the right circular force to get the funnel flowing in the bottle,” said Mrs. Jasiewicz.  “I am looking forward to our next experiment as we create circuits to light up model houses after engaging in a novel study of Who Was Thomas Alva Edison.
Benjamin, Kylen, and Holden Tharp get ready to whirl
Benjamin, Kylen, and Holden Tharp get ready to whirl
Brynn Grominski was surprised and excited to finally see her waterspout start twisting
Brynn Grominski was surprised and excited to finally see her waterspout start twisting
Anna Theresa Kayner and Mia Dobransky worked to get the momentum just right
Anna Theresa Kayner and Mia Dobransky worked to get the momentum just right
Caleb Leitch was the Master of the Twister
Caleb Leitch was the Master of the Twister