Students Get the Giggles During Grammar Lesson

During their first week of school, students in Mrs. Kessler's 4th-grade Reading classes at McCullough Elementary sharpened their grammar and public speaking skills by writing and reading aloud hilarious first-day-of-school adventures.

They were challenged to fill in the blanks of a story based upon the part of speech that was needed, "Mad Libs" style.  But, the students did not know the storyline when they chose their words.  This made for wacky stories and lots of giggles.

“The children loved reading their own crazy stories and listening to their classmates' super silly stories,” commented Mrs. Kessler.  “What better way to kick off the school year than with some side-splitting first-day tales?!”


Kylie Campbell delivers her story to the class

Kylie Campbell delivers her story to the class


Beckett Lowry

Beckett Lowry


Lexi Fleming

Lexi Fleming


Waylon DiNardo

Waylon DiNardo


Harper Baumunk

Harper Baumunk