New Books Inspire Love of Reading

At Trafford Middle School, students often reach out to Library Aide Mrs. Safran with book requests.  She was recently able to fulfill many requests through a grant from DonorsChoose, a crowdfunding platform for teachers.

“Creating enthusiastic life-long readers begins when they love what they are reading,” said Safran.“  The series INHERITANCE GAMES, I SURVIVED and THE SUMMER I TURNED PRETTY are the most requested books and are now available in our library with many other new titles.”


Lorenzo Russo, Sloan Simpson, Ethan Nash, Sidney Moon and Dom Daykon

Lorenzo Russo, Sloan Simpson, Ethan Nash, Sidney Moon, and Dom Daykon check out some of the new titles


Lily Alfieri, Lily Barrett, and Ashley Hetrick show off some of the new books

Lily Alfieri, Lily Barrett, and Ashley Hetrick show off some of the new books