Top Sellers in Fundraiser Earn Time in the Cash Booth (3-1-22) TMS students get to pluck money out of the air!
Students Study French Culture and the Quebec Winter Carnival (3-1-22) "Bonhomme de Pom-Poms" was voted best mascot in Mrs. Rizzardi's French 1 class
Grant Provides Books to Engage Young Readers (2-28-22) HP classroom acquires a collection of Mo Willems' books through DonorsChoose
Mystery Readers Enthrall Students (2-25-22) Kindergarteners at Level Green Elementary LOVE the guest appearances during class!
Harrison Park Celebrates American Spirit Week (2-25-22) Activities support soldiers, provide for the local community, and generate pride in being American
Southeastern States’ Culture and History Inspire Students (2-24-22) 4th-graders at HP learn about music, food, and history of the southeastern USA
Whisper Phones Help Develop Fluent Readers (2-24-22) Grant provides classroom set of whisper phones at Harrison Park
Kindness is Sweet (2-23-22) Trafford Elementary students donate candy during National Random Acts of Kindness week