Flexible Instruction Days
PTSD utilizes Flexible Instruction Days (FIDs) which may be used in place of a school day that would otherwise have been canceled for any one of the following reasons: a disease epidemic, a hazardous weather condition, a law enforcement emergency, the inoperability of school buses or other equipment necessary to the public-school entity's operation, damage to school buildings, or another temporary circumstance rendering any portion of a school building unfit or unsafe for use. On an FID, students will participate by means of Remote Instruction.
Using an FID will not require additional make-up days when school is canceled. PTSD is permitted to use up to five (5) FIDs per school year. If the district calls for an FID, parents will receive a text alert announcing the closure and identifying the manner of instruction for the Flexible Instructional Day.
Every PTSD student has been issued a device (iPad or Chromebook) enabling live, synchronous instruction in most FID scenarios. Each principal will send out further information and schedule. During the winter months, we will remind the students to take their devices home with them on a nightly basis in order to be prepared.
Per PDE guidance, PTSD must provide accommodations for students without Internet access at home during remote instruction days. Please contact your school if you need assistance with internet access.
If the school district needs to have a delay (not cancellation), the district would not utilize the FID.
After-school activities will be canceled during an FID. Varsity athletes should check with their coaches.