Parent/Student Info » Registration



There are several steps to the registration process, which are outlined below.  Please contact your building secretary with any questions.  If you are unsure which school your child will attend, please CLICK HERE for an interactive map.  Current Penn-Trafford students do NOT need to be registered again if they are already enrolled for the current school year.

Please take a moment to complete the pre-registration forHERE 
Once the above step is completed and approved, you will receive an email with instructions to create a PowerSchool parent/guardian account.  PowerSchool is an online portal where parents/guardians can log in to enter/update personal information and also access their child's grades, assignments, scores, attendance, schedules, and school bulletins.
Complete the following forms in the PowerSchool portal.
(Under Enrollment Tab)
  • Student Demographics
  • Student Address
  • Legal Guardian Info
  • Home Language Survey
  • Residence Survey
  • Student Services History
  • Health History
  • Upload Documents (Proof of student’s age, Parent/guardian identification, Immunization records, Custody agreement/papers (if applicable), Residency verification, Physical/Dental forms
(Under General Forms Tab)
  • Emergency Contact Information
  • Student Health Information
  • Student Health Authorizations
  • Chromebook/iPad Handbook Agreement
Please note:  Penn-Trafford offers only half-day kindergarten (Morning AM - 9:00 to 11:45 or Afternoon PM - 12:45 to 3:30)

Registration Requirements

  • Kindergarten entry for the 2023-24 school year requires the child to be five years of age on or before September 1, 2023.
  • First-grade entry for the 2023-24 school year requires the child to be six years of age on or before September 1, 2023.
  • Children who are enrolled in district kindergarten classes in the current school year do not need to register for first grade next year.
Please contact the secretary at the school your child will attend with any questions about registration or to make a registration appointment.
Harrison Park Elementary School - 724-744-2161
Level Green Elementary School - 412-372-6603
McCullough Elementary School - 724-744-7441
Sunrise Estates Elementary School  - 724-864-6700
Trafford Elementary School - 412-372-6600
Penn Middle School - 724-744-4431
Trafford Middle School - 412-372-6600
Penn-Trafford High School - 724-744-4471